our carrd !ㅤㅤㅤ x


2008,12/13,filipino minor

personalities! friendly,talkative funny,unloyal,kind, respecctful.
why do we write books?
we both find it fun and enjoyable,also it's one way to release our stress.

yess!bry rain,cats,food,enhypen,bahiyyih,kpop,albums, juice,pillows,warm water,friends,sleeping.

noo!bry heat,homobhic,body shamers,worms,cold water,coconut,sasaeng fans,toxic fans.

our bias!

likes!leigh rainy weather, enha, fantasy books, milktea!, foods (ofc), music, reading and writing, aus.

dislikes!veggies, thunder and lightning, insects, crowded places, loud noises.

if you want! we are very kind and humble,so if you wanna be friends you can dm us